Vintage Base Ball Rules & Terms

1860s Vintage Base Ball

Vintage Base Ball is baseball played by rules and customs from an earlier period in the sport's history. The game's name is typically written "base ball" rather than "baseball," as that was the spelling used before the 1880s. The ball of the 1860s was a bit larger, heavier and softer than the modern baseball. It is often referred to as a “lemon peel” ball. 

Below are the basic rules for Vintage Base Ball that we typically follow, and some of the unique terminology.

There Shall Be:

No bunting, sliding or running out of the base path;

No uncivil language, spitting, alcohol consumption, chewing of tobacco, wagering;

The ball is delivered underhand in a shallow arc to allow good striking.

Fielders play the following positions until the hurled ball has crossed home:

1st, 2nd, and 3rd basemen play on or within one foot of their respective bags;

Short scout (shortstop) can position himself anywhere on the playing field;

Behind (catcher) plays not more than 45 feet behind home base;

Left, middle and right scouts (outfielders) play in the middle of their respective outfields.

A striker (batter) is dead (out) when:

A batted ball is caught on the fly, whether it is in fair or foul territory;

A batted ball is caught on one bound (bounce), fair or foul;

Three hurled balls are swung at and missed.

photo by Matt Rumpfeldt

A base runner is dead (out) when:

Forced out at base;

Tagged out;

Runs three feet or more out of the base path.

Pictured here are the replica lemon peel base balls we use for the vintage games. This photo was taken by Matt Rumpfeldt.

Other Rules:

Foul ticks (balls) are not considered strikes;

When fielding, the ball must be caught with the HANDS - gloves, hats, or other items may not be used;

Batters cannot wear cleats and catcher cannot wear protective equipment or use a mitt;

The Judge's (umpire's) determination if a batted ball is fair or foul is made by where the ball first hits the ground;

A base runner may advance at his own risk when a batted ball is caught on one bound (bounce), but must return to base on those caught in the air;

All disputes are arbitrated by the team captains and the Judge (umpire). A Judge's decision is final. The Judge is always to be treated in a respectful manner.

Vintage Terminology

Huzzah! … Hooray!

Club Nine … Team

Match … Game

Ballist … Player

Cranks … Fans/Spectators

Judge … Umpire

Hurler … Pitcher

Behind … Catcher

Tallykeeper … Scorekeeper

Horsehide/Onion … Ball

Willow … Bat

Striker … Hitter/Batter

Striker to the Line … Batter Up!

Dish … Home Plate

Four Baser … Home Run

Ace/Tally … Run

Hurl … Throw/Pitch

Foul Tick … Foul Ball

Player Dead … Out

Muff … To Commit An Error

Leg It … Run to a Base

Show a Little Ginger … Play Harder

Stir Your Stumps … Run Fast/Hustle

Other ways to play:

There are multiple ways to play Vintage Base Ball. Over the course of our games against the Ty Cobb Museum, we adapted the rules to make the games fun to play in, exciting to watch, and to move them along quickly to keep everyone interested and entertained. Here are a couple other examples of ways to play, if you’re thinking of trying for youself:

VBBF Rules - from the Vintage Base Ball Factory website